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Title image of the book "So you need a new job. Also called "Now what??!""

“Will automation and the internet of things lead to mass unemployment?” (Guardian June 2018, internet version)

“Mark Carney warns robots taking jobs could lead to rise of Marxism” (Colin Drury, 14 April 2018, Independent, online version)

“Most US manufacturing jobs lost to technology, not trade”, “Increasing protectionism is unlikely to override forces of automation” (FT Data Global trade, June 2018, internet version)

Everybody knows that the media loves sensationalism.


When it bleeds, it leads.


Tell people everything is fine, and you sell zip, tell people the catastrophe is right around the corner, and they’ll buy your paper – or, nowadays, buy the internet version.

So how serious is this really?

Well, it is serious enough that leaders around the world are quite worried and are discussing giving away money to people to guarantee a minimum income. Some anticipate that as much as 40-50% of the population will lose their jobs within the next 3-5 years[i], with the possibility of social unrest, wide-spread depression, and loss of purpose and social connections. The phrase of the “new industrial revolution” was coined by World Leaders in their annual summit in Davos in 2017.


Others see the development as the coming dawn of a new age, an age where people are not stuck in boring 9-5 jobs anymore, which they cannot wait to escape on a Friday night, but where people find a new purpose for themselves...


​New, updated edition!

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If you are a bit bored right now, sitting at home, this is the perfect antidote!

It's a story about a guy who got sucked into another universe (quite like it feels for us right now) and he has to adjust to the new normal... And while he's learning how to do that, he goes on a journey of adventure, and fun, but also learns some real lessons on the way, and the more you read, the more uplifting it gets!

And all for less money than a cup of coffee at your favoriteoutlet!

The AOnne - the net connecting all life. It was written 15 years ago, but it is relevant today more than ever!

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Bücher in Deutsch!

Title image of the book "So you need a new job. Also called "Now what??!""

Du brauchst also einen neuen Job.
Auch genannt:
"Was jetzt??!"

Die erste deutsche Auflage des Buches, das ein System erklärt, wie man die Neuausrichtung schneller, leichter, und sicherer bewältigen kann, schließt nicht nur neueste Entwicklungen mit ein, sondern auch amüsante Anektdoten über die Unterschiede zwischen den Kulturen. 

Die Autorin hat lange in England und in den USA zugebracht und lange Jahre im Change Management in großen multinationalen Unternehmen gearbeitet. Sie ist aber auch im persönlichen Leben der Veränderung nicht fremd - und wenn man so oft umzieht, muss man gut darin werden, schnell wieder auf die Beine zu kommen.

Das Buch  kann einen wichtigen Beitrag dazu leisten, Arbeitnehmern, Selbstständigen, aber auch Unternehmern, die neue Produkte entwickeln wollen, eine Hilfe zu geben, Veränderung mit Mut, Witz, und Flexibilität zu begegnen, so dass Veränderung zur Innovation wird, und ein wertvoller Beitrag zum großen Ganzen wird.

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