Gratitude is a form of love, too!

For those who join late, this isn't a dating challenge, this is a challenge to post about something we love every day - just to remind ourselves how much there is to be grateful for in this season where so many become depressed, because the days get darker and the news channels compete in finding even more that bleeds to lead with.
You get what you focus on, what you seek ye shall find (even if you are afraid of it), so it can be a good idea to consciously direct the focus to what we want, rather than what we don't want.
That doesn't mean pretending that everything is hunky dory when it isn't, but to see the positive, the possibilities, the joy that is also there and not mute it - and not force others to mute their joy and creativity either.
A challenge can be a good way to do that - if someone gets so annoyed by me posting stories about love every day, I am happy for them to show me how much more loving and joyful they are - provided that it's real! You can fake it until you make it to a degree using your body - and the mind will follow - but just pretending doesn't work here. It just leaves you more depressed.
Now, I've just come from the dentist, and since the shots tend to mute my entire system, I am not as gushy as the last few days - instead I remembered how incredibly grateful I am. And for me, gratitude is a form of love..
Yes, grateful for a dentist who is so good at her job that I wasn't even nervous going this morning - a few years ago I still had a phobia and started shaking - literally. What can I say, I watched the wrong movie as a kid the day before the dentist drilled for the first time.
I remember how grateful I am about all the other doctors and healers I've met who listened to me and fixed the problem - and I met some extraordinary doctors and healers in the last few years who fixed way more than I even realized they could, and healing times were, in some cases, less than a 10th (!!) of the time that it apparently usually takes.
And I don't take that for granted - I know what it can feel like when you know something is wrong but nobody listens, and the mere thought of dentistry 300 years ago sends shivers down my spine.
And I love that there are people who WANT to do that job, who have a friendly smile on their face and laugh with me when I get in, and who are so motivated that they are THAT good at their job and get up every day for 35-40 years to do it.
And I love that there are healers that practice and teach healing modalities that I didn't even know existed, but that are nevertheless very real, and some of these no doubt contributed to the super short healing times. I don't take that for granted, either. And I am super grateful that this dimension of life opened to me, and for the one who opened it to me. There are teachers who are such a blessing that they touch every dimension of your life - but that is for another time to write about!