Let's have another love challenge! No, I am not talking about opening a dating club, it's not a sex challenge. In fact, it is something really beautiful, and innocent, and gentle, and maybe at times passionate, but very little of it goes in THAT direction, and if so, it is usually channelled to higher expression - like creativity in music and art.

The dark season is starting.
Some people get grumpy, some melancholy, so this is JUST the time to remind ourselves what is beautiful in our lives. And some of us already do this through daily priming, but there is something about expressing it as well - it just drives the groove deeper!
So the challenge is to post about something you love every day - it doesn't have to be long, just long enough so we get why you love it!
And yes, I am aware that some of us work in political environments, where anything you love is routinely used against you, so don't post about your pets, kids, or people you love, unless the people you are surrounded by are all safe. But there are plenty of other things we can post about that nobody can get at - Shakespeare's Midsummer Night's Dream, the European anthem, scuba diving, knitting, the dream of world peace, there are plenty of things that can be written about.
And once you do, something wonderful will happen - the love you feel for that activity/person/ideal/ thing will flow through you, and you will feel it first.
That is why people who are giving tend to be happier - because they feel the emotional gifts they give first!
And if the recipient of your loving gift is ungrateful or you already know that he, or she, or someone posing as them will reject you, for whatever reason, don't keep running into the knife, just use an "as if" like actors do. If you are an actress and have to kiss a frog, a useful actor's tool is to use an "as if". You just act "as if" the guy standing before you was a prince and think of your latest crush. And if you close your eyes, maybe it'll work.
In the same vein you can write about the beautiful summer's day and think about something or someone completely different, and nobody needs to know.
Love unexpressed dwindles.
That's why jealous people try to punish you for it, to link pain to the thought of the person you love in your nervous system. It's a nasty use of NLP and not an expression of love at all but of greed.
But that doesn't mean you have to stop expressing love, just don't give them something to latch onto.
Love has also been proven to be the emotion that enables people to step out of old behaviour patterns into real creation (according to Dr. Bruce Lipton) - which is not something that people want who try to control others and have invested into keeping them locked in their patterns.
But it IS something that someone would want for you who loves you.
So give it to yourself.